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02 9630 2162


Suite 3/2 Sorrell Street, Parramatta 2150

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What we offer

Consultations for reducing wrinkles

Our clinic provides consultations for cosmetic medical procedures which are all available following a thorough consultation with our medical practitioners. Such procedures can help prevent & reduce the formation of wrinkles by relaxing targeted underlying facial muscles which in turn creates a smoother, firmer, more youthful appearance of the skin.

Please Note: Due to industry regulations we are unable to discuss product names or pricing without providing a full facial consultation as each patients requirememts are different. Should you be interested in any of our non-surgical cosmetic medical treatments please book a consultation via the booking link or alternatively call the clinic directly on (02) 9630 2162.

Consultations for Advanced Cosmetic Medical Procedures

At Art of Aesthetics we offer advanced cosmetic medical treatments for areas which are all available following a thorough consultation with our medical practitioners. 

Please Note: Due to industry regulations we are unable to discuss product names or pricing without providing a full facial consultation as each patients requirememts are different. Should you be interested in any of our non-surgical cosmetic medical treatments please book a consultation via the booking link or alternatively call the clinic directly on (02) 9630 2162.

Consultations for Volume correction procedures

Volume correction is primarily used to restore shape, create contours of the face and/or lip as well as replace volume loss. 

Packages are available to suit your treatment plan.

Please Note: Due to industry regulations we are unable to discuss product names or pricing without providing a full facial consultation as each patients requirememts are different. Should you be interested in any of our non-surgical cosmetic medical treatments please book a consultation via the booking link or alternatively call the clinic directly on (02) 9630 2162.


Art of Aesthetics provides consultation and treatment option for the treatment of the lips. Lip augmentation is a non-surgical procedure designed to restore shape, volume and projection of the vermilion border and/or body of the lip. Lip Augmentation can be used to hydrate, shape or volumise the lip tissue.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation is a popular treatment for those patients with a receding chin or those wanting to improve facial harmony on their profile.

Cheek Augmentation

Cheek enhancement or contouring is fast becoming a popular treatment. Treatment entails strategically replacing volume in the mid-face to create or replace structure or volume correction to the cheeks.

Tear Trough Correction

A true tear trough creates a division or trough, and this trough can be smooth out and improved with correct placement of product. The tear trough becomes more noticeable and bothersome as we age. The Team at AOA can provide consultations on restoring volume loss and other signs of ageing.

Facial Slimming

Masseter reduction being the first step in achieving a slimmer, more feminine shaped face. Medically, by reducing the size and strength of the massetter muscle this helps reduce teeth clenching and grinding which can help reduce headaches caused by bruxism.


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Hair Regeneration

PRP hair regeneration works by stimulating the hair follicles, thus increasing blood supply to the scalp, and encouraging the growth of stronger, thicker hair.

PRP is a great option for those experiencing hair thinning and conditions such as alopecia or for those booked for hair transplants, as part of their pre and post-transplant treatment protocol.

We recommend three treatment sessions spaced one month apart and regular maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

Consultation for Submental Fat Reduction

Fat reduction to the sub-mental region is a permanent form of fat removal. Ask for a more information or book a consultation to discuss your options for submental fat reduction today.

Bio Stimulating Treatments

Bio-stimulating injections are a form of collagen stimulating injections which, act as a micro stimulator deep into the dermis of the skin. Collagen stimulating injections provide a gradual increase in skin thickness and skin tightening by stimulating your body to form new collagen. Bio-stimulating injections are used in strategic areas to rejuvenate the skin from within. Treatment areas include: Face, abdomen, thichs, buttocks. Pricing from: $800 per vial.